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Percival's Essential Spellings

4.6 ( 2176 ratings )
المطور: Keystone Education (Northampton) Limited
4.99 USD

Percivals Essential Spellings - Say goodbye to pepul, cud and sevun!

Is your child struggling to learn the spellings they are set by their school? Are you looking for a way to help them that you can enjoy together? Why not try Percivals Essential Spellings? Suddenly, "nite" becomes Night Is Good Howling Time and "sevun" becomes Seven Evil Vampires Eat Nuggets!

Percivals Essential Spellings focuses on 107 common words that you cant make with letter sounds, but which are commonly used in everyday life, such as days of the week, colours, months of the year, connectives, pronouns etc.

The Professor gives your child ways to remember these tricky words including:

Hand and body movements

Plus, the Professor has packed in loads of colourful cartoons that will stick in your childs mind. There are also the hilarious "fridge safety tips"... You never know what is lurking and pulling the strange man in!

Percivals Essential Spellings, also known as Percivals Help For Dyslexia, is ideal for children who are finding the traditional "look, cover, write, check" and "synthetic phonics" approaches that are used in schools ineffective. It has been specifically designed to help children who have dyslexia, including the ability to alter the colour of the screen and wording to suit their needs for colour contrasts, caused by the often linked condition of "visual stress".

Developed by a leading English primary school teacher, and outstanding Special Needs Assistant, Percivals Essential Spellings is used in schools throughout the United Kingdom to teach children of all ages with spelling difficulties.

Ultimately, Percivals Essential Spellings is a fun activity where you can work with your child to help them learn the spellings they are going to need throughout their lives. It is bound to appeal to your child and will make the learning of spellings more interesting and entertaining.

LEARN MORE: https://www.keystoneeducation.co.uk/parents/